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Your child’s Edfundo Visa card is embedded with safe, secure chips and encryption.
Edfundo is a Financial Intelligence Hub – an app, and a prepaid Visa card.
You can decided & guide what & where your child shops, and track spending together.
It’s all real-time with Edfundo, so you know what’s being spent, when and where!
Good habits last a lifetime, including money habits – kids are fast to catch on when the experience is real.
A simple, practical, convenient money management ecosystem – built by teachers.
Instantly send them money safely via the app
Automatically schedule allowances
Control how much and where they can spend (in-store & online)
Real-time analytics, reporting saving, spending, and earning.
The Edfundo App ensures all actvity is captured ‘in-the-moment’
Add money to your child’s account in an instant – No matter when or where
Set tasks for your child and provide the opportunity to earn more
Using the app gives your child real-life experiences, tips, tales and workshops!
You can help motivate your child’s positive relationship with earning and saving, as well as guide spending
Providing you a convenient way to pay
Download our app and create your account in minutes with just your Emirates ID
Create your child account(s)
Ordering your child’s card is easy. Providing them access to personal finance early.